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Most tracking radars in the late 1950s swept a band of sky 30 to
45” wide and 360“ in circumference. Any object encountered in this
area reflected the radar pulse in a manner directly proportional to its
size—the larger (he object, the stronger the returning radar signal.
This return appeared on the cathode-ray tube of the radar screen as a
spot or blip, and the persistence of this blip on the radar screen also
depended on the strength of the radar return, with blips from larger
objects remaining on the screen longer. During the late 1950s and
early 1960s, a human radar operator watched the radar screen and
kept track of the blips that indicated aircraft within the radar’s field of
Rodgers determined that a high-altitude object moving two to
three times as fast as a normal aircraft would produce such a small
blip with so little persistence that the radar operator would have great
difficulty tracking it, if indeed he could even see it. Rodgers esti
mated that for an aircraft to take advantage of this Blip/Scan Ratio
phenomenon it must fly at altitudes approaching 90,000 feet and have
a radar cross section of less than 10 square meters, preferably not
much over 5 square meters. However, for a Mach 3.0 aircraft to
achieve such a small radar cross section, its designers would have to
make many concessions in its structural design and aerodynamics.
By the summer of 1959, both firms had completed their propos
als. In early June, Lockheed submitted a design for a ground-launched
aircraft known as the A -ll. It would have a speed of Mach 3.2, a
range of 3,200 miles, an altitude of 90,000 feet, and a completion date
of January 1961. Kelly Johnson had refused to reduce the aerodynam
ics of his design in order to achieve a greater- antiradar capability, and
the A -li’s radar cross section, although not great, was substantially
larger than that of the much smaller parasite aircraft being designed
by Convair.
как понимаю, признавать, что тупо лгали, надеясь напором и наглостью взять, вы неспособны.
SR-71 был самолетом, вобравшим в себя последние достижения авиационной науки, и был, фактически, одним из наиболее заметных в РЛ-диапазоне, так как производил огромную засветку на экранах РЛС дальнего действия. Из-за чрезвычайно горячего теплового следа от двигателей операторы могли с легкостью отслеживать SR-71 на удалении в несколько сотен миль во время его полета на рабочей высоте и скорости. Советские истребители регулярно вылетали на перехват, но ракеты воздух-воздух ни разу не применялись. SR-71 был настолько быстр, что когда он летел со скоростью превышающей 3М никакая ракета" воздух-воздух" не могла его догнать! [За исключением ракеты Р-33, скорость которой составляет 4,5М – ред.] SR-71 мог бы быть сбит только по случайности, но это так никогда и не случилось. [Задача сбить SR-71 никогда не ставилась войскам ПВО СССР, поскольку SR-71 не летали в воздушном пространстве СССР - ред.]
12 из 32 построенных машин были потеряны в результате аварий