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82 ЗРК СА-75М "Двина"
21 ТДН СА-75М
8055 ракет В-750
14 ЗРК С-75М "Волга" (8 - 1979 г., 3 - 1980 г., 3 - 1982 г.)
22 ЗРК С-75М3 "Волга" (4 - 1985 г., 8 - 1986 г., 10 - 1987 г.)
10 ТДН С-75М
526 ракет В-755
886 ракет В-759 + 78 учебных ракет
40 ЗРК С-125/С-125М/С-125М1А "Печора"
10 ТДН С-125М
1788 ракет В-601ПД + 82 учебные ракеты
17 ТН "Аккорд-75/125"
3 РЛС П-14
Ханой - ремонтное предприятие - ремонт средств ЗРК СА-75М, С-125
Ханой - подвижная ремонтная мастерская - ремонт средств ЗРК СА-75М
Ханой - учебный класс - по средствам ЗРК СА-75М, С-125
Модернизация ЗРК СА-75М по 2 и 3 этапам в 1967-1975 гг.
Модернизация ЗРК С-75М по 4 этапу в 1986 г.
Модернизация ЗРК С-125 по 2 и 3 этапам в 1980-1985 гг.
Модернизация РЛС П-14 по 1 этапу в 1979 и 1986 гг.
ТО ЗРК СА-75М в 1984 г.
ТО ракет В-750 в 1975 и 1978 гг.
ТО ракет В-601ПД в 1975, 1977 и 1981 гг.
The fact that the threat the MiG-25 was designed to meet — a high-altitude bomber — never materialized does not mean that their efforts were wasted. The existence of the MiG-25 and our presumptions about it strongly influenced a national political decision not to overfly the Soviet Union with the SR-71 or with reconnaissance drones. Through the MiG-25, the Russians caused us to deny ourselves for years vast amounts of intelligence which could be gathered by no means other than overflights.
"книжка":True; for all sorts of reasons. First of all, the SR-71 flies too high and too fast. The MiG-25 cannot reach it or catch it. Secondly, as I told you, the missiles are useless above 27,000 meters, and as you know, the SR-71 cruises much higher.
"вики":The SR-71 was the world's fastest and highest-flying operational manned aircraft throughout its career. On 28 July 1976, SR-71 serial number 61-7962 broke the world record: an "absolute altitude record" of 85,069 feet (25,929 m). Several aircraft have exceeded this altitude in zoom climbs, but not in sustained flight.
piston79> Ограничения С-200 по скорости по удаляющихся целей