Balancer:Это именно "скорость воздушного давления". Понятно, что для аэродинамики важна именно она.
In English, it's called the "indicated airspeed" (IAS). But, where are the holes on the missile to measure air pressure? I think the 300 m/s described by Aaz should be "true airspeed" calculated by the missile autopilot.
Spirit:значит, надо брать стандартные 0.9М цели и 0.9М перехватчика, на встречных курсах, высота 11 км.
Масса ракеты известна, узнать тягу двигателя, время его работы, массу топлива, получить скорость в конце активного участка, посмотреть: как будет падать скорость с учётом сопротивлния воздуха (можно привлечь математика европейского масштаба V.T., для столь сложных расчётов ).
И тогда станет ясно, произойдёт ли в случае пуска на Д=40 км встреча ракеты с целью (при условии, разумеется, что цель продолжает двигаться навстречу на тех же 0.9М).
Yes. It's the purpose of miniZAP! I created it to help in this type of discussion.

I don't have the data for motor of R-73M, rather only for R-73 ("Д=30 км"). We can use it: [zero size or time out]
(1) Select "R-73RMD1 (AA-11 Archer)" from Missile Parameters
(2) Click button "Metric Units" twice to say "Mach (Metric)"
(3) Launch Altitude 11000 m
(4) Target Altitude 11000 m
(5) Launch Speed 0.9 M
(6) Target Speed 0.9 M
(7) Click button "Launch"
Result: maximum controlled flight time (28 s) is achieved with the calculated launch distance of 25.4 km.
Сила аэродинамического сопротивления будет равна:
коэф. сопротивления [скажем, 0.03 для ракеты]*массовую плотность[на Н=11 км - 0.0371 кгс2/м4]*квадрат текущей скорости*площадь[мидель+крылья+оперение - ~1м2]/2
The force of air resistance is more complicated than your equation describes. It is not really proportional to the missile area, but rather to the missile length. This is why long range missiles like AIM-54 and R-33 may have large diameter compared to their length.
Balancer:Вот тебе и ответ. Сравни М=0.9 носителя и M=3..4 ракеты, которые она набирает за 2..5..7 секунд (в зависимости от типа).
It's generally true, but there is some exaggeration. For the conditions of maximum launching range, we must consider the average missile speed through its time of flight, not the maximum speed. Consider in miniZAP:
(1) Click button "Reset"
(2) Select "R-27R (AA-10A Alamo A)" from Missile Parameters
(3) Click button "Launch"
Under "Trajectory Calculation," we can see the Maximum Speed = 3135 km/h (M=2.9), but the Average Velocity = 1918 km/h. Clicking button "Metric Units" twice, we can see this is equal to M=1.8. So the time that the missile is affected by air resistance of M=3..4 is not so important.
Разница сопротивления - порядок и больше.
True. We can demonstrate it by removing the fuel from the missile in miniZAP:
(1) Click button "Reset"
(2) Select "R-27ET (AA-10D Alamo D)" from Missile Parameters
(3) Change Launch Mass = 208 kg
(4) Change Propellant Mass = 0 kg
(5) Click "Metric Units" twice to say "Mach (Metric)"
(6) Launch Speed = 0.9 M
(7) Click button "OK"
Under "Trajectory Calculation", we see the Linear Acceleration of the missile is -2.9 m/s/s.
(8) Launch Speed = 3.5 M
(9) Click button "OK"
Under "Trajectory Calculation", the Linear Acceleration = -51.6 m/s/s.
So, with the above statement you are correct. However:
Иначе говоря, 90% скорости она наберёт за 10% времени работы двигателя (грубо).
(1) Click button "Reset"
(2) Select "R-27ET (AA-10D Alamo D)" from Missile Parameters
(3) Click button "Single Step" ten times, until Time = 1 s
The missile burn time is 10 seconds, but even with the 3:1 boost thrust advantage, the missile speed is only 1637 km/h after 10% of the engine working time.
(4) Click button "Single Step" 28 times, until Time = 3.8 s
Speed is now 3264 km/h - we will see it's 83% of the maximum speed (click "Launch" to find the Maximum Speed) after 38% of Total Motor Burn Time, because the Boost Burn Time is finished. A similar analysis with R-27T with one-regime motor shows the missile accelerates to 67% of maximum speed in 50% of motor burn time - and this even includes the speed of the launcher. So, your statement above is somewhat exaggerated, and only valid for two-regime motors. The important thing is that the regimes of the motor and the speed of the launching aircraft has more effect than the air resistance, so I agree with Spirit.
Так что скоростью носителя на практике можно пренебречь.
It depends on the meaning, "практике". Consider:
(1) Click button "Reset"
(2) Select "R-27ET (AA-10D Alamo D)" from Missile Parameters
(3) Launch Speed = 900 km/h
(4) Target Speed = 900 km/h
(5) Click button "Launch"
Range = 37.8 km
(6) Click button "OK"
(7) Launch Speed = 900 km/h
(8) Target Speed = 700 km/h
(9) Click button "Launch"
Range = 35.5 km
(10) Click button "OK"
(11) Launch Speed = 700 km/h
(12) Target Speed = 900 km/h
(13) Click button "Launch"
Range = 36.6 km
So reducing the target speed by 200 km/h reduces the range by 6.1%, and reducing the fighter speed by 200 km/h reduces the range by 3.2%. Yes, the target speed is more important than the fighter speed. But, the importance of the fighter speed is not insignificant - even when we confirmed that the air resistance at high speed is much stronger. So, in my opinion both Balancer and Spirit are correct.
I think the word "le but" is more popular in French than "le facteur". But probably, every attached man understood.

Я видел такой график для 5В55Р, только он уж больно линейный был, сильно похоже на грубую аппроксимацию.
Hmm.. Is it possible for us also to see?

About the sine wave: If the amplitude of the constant signal is affected by the detected environment, then of course while the fighter and target are in motion, this will appear as amplitude modulation of the base sinusoid, and such modulation would resemble "multiple sinusoids".
Что такое, "Мурзилок"? I see this word everywhere...
Also, I confirm that the ФАР cannot see to 90 degrees: Balancer is correct, the sensitivity varies with the cosine of the angle. It is an inherent advantage of the mechanically steered antenna that is not often advertised by modern phased array antenna designers.

Hope this helps, извините ещё раз за английский язык...