B.M.>> Ну, применили бы тактическое ядерное оружие по територии Франции.B.M.>> У Франции и мыслей применить свое ядерное оружие не было бы? [»]Baby> Не надо по Франции применять, зачем? Там баз амерских нет, бундесвера нет,а если Германию прошли - это уже практически сделанная партия, там уже без ТЯО можно разрулить [»]
Ну а французы так не думали
Вот отрывок из Nuclear Weapon Databook, Vol. V
Nuclear Air Support to the 1 (FR) Army. Prior to the transfer of its nuclear role to the FAS in September 1991, FATAC provided nuclear air support to the
Armee de Terre. In the French command structure, FATAC operated in close cooperation with the 1st French Army [280] in wartime, it was the only element of
the French Air Force that would participate directly in the central battle, with the possible exception of a few air transport units. To facilitate
nuclear air support, the Centre d'OpЈrations d'Appui A6rien was assigned at corps level to support army ground operations. In addition, the Centre Combine
d'Operations, located at FATAC, exchanged intelligence with the army and planned long-range air support [281].
According to a document produced by the U.S. Army War College in 1982, [282] tactical operational doctrine for French land-air forces in the central
region called for the 70 Pluton missiles, accompanied by nuclear air support from FATAC (15 AN 52 bombs), [283] to be used in West Germany to destroy the
enemy's first-echelon army before it crossed the Lorraine plateau and to shape the enemy penetration to obtain the maximum effect from nuclear explosions
if their use was approved by the President. If such approval was given, the French would be restricted to firing only on military targets no closer than 4
kilometers to urban centers with a population of at least 5000.
280 The 1st Army was responsible for the coordination of the French tactical nuclear strike in the central region, both land and air delivered Although
directly subordinate to the French Chief of the Armed Forces, the 1st Army could be placed under the operational control of a major allied command (such
as AFCENT or CENTAG) while remaining under national command
281 DIA, A Guide to Foreign Tactical Nuclear Weapon Systems, 17 August 19M edition, p 85
282 U S Army War College, French Land Air Forces in the Central Region pp 33-34 This document was based on instructional material used ai the French War
College speafi cally their Flan Lorraine
283 The 15 AN 52 nuclear bombs were allocated from FATAC s stockpile of bombs for its 75 nuclear capable aircraft 30 Mirage lllEs and 45 laguar As It is
unclear whether nuclear air support to the 1st French Army continued following the introduction of the Mirage 2000N/ASMP aircraft and then the September
1991 retirement of the last AN 52 bomb and the reassignment of the Mirage 2000N/ASMP force to FAS
Краткий перевод:
Французы планировали использовать свое ТЯО в Западной Германии по наступающим советским войскам до того как они пересекут плато Lorraine. Применения ТЯО планировалось только по военным целям, не ближе 4 км от городов с населением более 5000 жителей.