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140:49:50 Shepard: Houston, are you ready for the hot-fire of the jets (on Sur 8-7)?
140:49:56 McCandless: That's affirmative, Antares.
[Jones - "Tell me about that hot-fire check. I understand that you're firing the RCS. One at a time?"]
[Mitchell - "No, you have to fire them at least two at a time. I think he was checking all positions of the handcontroller and the thrusters."]
[Jones - "Did it rock the LM at all?"]
[Mitchell - "Oh, yeah. (Reads checklist page 8-7) He checked the different modes of the PGNS."]
140:50:02 Shepard: Okay. Here we go. (Long Pause) Okay, Houston. The antenna blew over.
140:51:01 McCandless: Roger, Antares. (Pause) How about the flag?
[Comm Break]
140:53:40 Shepard: Okay, Houston, the hot-fire check's complete. We're satisfied here.