В субботу я иду на курсы по скрытному ношению оружия, во. Оказывается, через два кубика от меня сидит человек, который был в специальных силах и который сейчас ведет курсы самообороны для граждан. С виду - старичок лет 60. Это кстати к вопросу о том, что преступник легко выберет себе добычу. Я вот посмотрю, как такой старичок напугается, не сможет выхватить, не сможет попасть и т.п. и т.д.
Сам курс такой:
This course is designed to teach you how to avoid confrontations, how to win those you cannot avoid, and what to do after a confrontation.
It will improve your defensive shooting skills and expand your knowledge about the use of firearms for personal protection. You will have an opportunity to learn to properly and safely carry a concealed handgun and to understand the laws regarding the use of lethal force for personal protection.
This course is designed to prepare the responsible, adult gun owner to handle, maintain, and safely store a firearm, as well as how to use a firearm safely, responsibly, correctly, and effectively, so that they are able to successfully handle nearly any personal protection situation.
Classroom instruction includes situation awareness, threat evaluation, the force continuum, courtroom savvy, and the latest information on the physio/psychological aspects of lethal encounters.
Live-fire exercises on the range include: threat evaluation risk identification and reduction, lethal threat containment and management. Also included are precision shooting, discretionary shooting, low-light shooting (with and without a flashlight), use of cover, and movement performing under stress.
Tactical training is conducted in a realistic manner, stressing correct use of cover, movement, challenges, and other important individual tactics.