Вот кстати, очень похожий инцидент
REPORT 7/2003 - Date: 22 January 2003
serious incident to icelandair BOEING 757-200 at oslo airport gardermoen norway 22 january 2002
All times given in this report are local times (UTC +1), if not otherwise stated.
The incident was not notified to AAIB/N after the landing at Oslo airport Gardermoen (ENGM). The Commander of TF-FIO was not conscious of the fact that the aircraft could have been overstressed during the rough manoeuvre following the unstabilized approach at ENGM. At Stockholm airport Arlanda (ESSA), the next scheduled stop, the Commander by phone gave the company’s chief pilot a non-specific notification that there had been abnormal manoeuvring before landing at ENGM.
// Дальше — 911research.wtc7.net
Потеряли сигнал привода (?) " Shortly there after, the Commander noticed that raw data information of the ILS on his ADI and HSI were lost." и решили уйти на второй круг.
Подпрыгнули до 2895 футов, дали ручку от себя и оппа!
During the next seconds, a full nose down input on the control column was made manually. The aircraft pitched over to an a
ttitude of approx. –30o, and for a period of approx.
5 seconds the FDR indicates negative g-values with a maximum load factor of
–0.6 g.
Потом тангаж вырос аж до минус полусотни, но экипаж в сотне метров от земли и с перегрузкой 3.6 же всё-таки вырулил.