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11:30 a.m.
The Iranian patrol boat Joshan ignores radio warnings and approaches SAG Charlie. About 45 minutes later, Joshan fires a U.S.-made Harpoon missile — the remnant of a pre-Revolutionary arms purchase by the Iranian shah. Some 13 miles away, the U.S. ships fire chaff and dodge the incoming weapon. They return fire with Harpoons and Standard missiles, sinking Joshan in the world's first missile duel between warships.
Requests for quotation were issued in Jan.1971, a prime contractor (McDonnell Douglas) being selected that June, without flyoff, given the cost and urgency of the program.
The first missile flew in Feb.1972. Technical evaluation was completed in June 1975, delayed by some extent by small system problems; however, Harpoon was operationally evaluated in 1977, production beginning that year.
Boeing предлагал NAVSEA глубокую модификацию ПКР Harpoon в версии Block II Plus Extended Range Harpoon с новой боеголовкой и двигателем, который позволил увеличить дальность со 130 до 240 км. Boeing работает над Block II+ ER-Harpoon для морской авиации в интересах Командования авиационных программ (NAVAIR) ВМС, но постоянно меняющиеся в стороны снижения требования со стороны NAVSEA привели к тому, что корпорация посчитала нецелесообразным участие.