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Радиообсерватории расположены в США (Голдстоун), Испании (недалеко от Мадрида) и Австралии (Канберра). Каждая имеет в своем вооружении мощный 70-метровый радар, способный добраться до самых далёких мест в Солнечной системе. Имеются тарелки и поменьше.
Комплекс начал работать в начале 1960-годов. Цель его создания — связь с космическими аппаратами, радиолокация планет Солнечной системы и исследования космоса в радиодиапазоне.
Расположение обсерваторий не является случайным — все они равноудалены друг от друга на 120 градусов по долготе, таким образом все 3 наблюдательных пункта обеспечивают 360-градусный охват небесной сферы. В случае, когда один радар теряет из виду космический аппарат (например, вследствие суточного вращения Земли межпланетная станция уходит за горизонт), его тут же может "подхватить" телескоп с другого конца планеты.
Как NASA связывается с космическими аппаратами, находящимися от нас в миллиардах километрах? NASA,
> Ошибка 403. Пикабу.
Both 600 line and 200 line modes of operation were used. The 200 line mode transmitted over an omnidirectional antenna and scanned one frame each 61.8 seconds. A complete video transmission of each 200 line picture required 20 seconds and utilized a bandwidth of 1.2 kHz. Most transmissions consisted of 600 line pictures, which were telemetered by a directional antenna. The frames were scanned each 3.6 seconds. Each frame required nominally one second to be read from the vidicon and utilized a 220 kHz bandwidth for transmission. The dynamic range and sensitivity of this camera were slightly less than those on the Surveyor 6 camera. Resolution and quality were excellent. The television images were displayed on a slow scan monitor coated with a long persistency phosphor. The persistency was selected to optimally match the nominal maximum frame rate. One frame of TV identification was received for each incoming TV frame and was displayed in real time at a rate compatible with that of the incoming image. These data were recorded on a video magnetic tape recorder and on 70 mm film. The camera transmitted 20,961 pictures during the first lunar day, January 10 to January 22, 1968. From February 12 to February 14, the camera was operated in the 200 line mode because of loss of horizontal sweep in the 600 line mode. During the second lunar day, 45 pictures were transmitted before loss of power caused suspension of camera operation.
> Surveyor 7 - Wikipedia
Each 200-line picture required 20 sec for a complete video transmission and utilized a bandwidth of 1.2 kHz. Each 600-line picture required nominally 1 sec to be read from the vidicon and required a 220-kHz bandwidth for transmission.
"In the meantime, two more engines were lost in tests. D. Brainerd Holmes wanted a special briefing on the problem, which he received on 31 January 1963. At the end of the presentation, Holmes commented that the goal of beating the Russians to the moon seemed to be mired in F-1 problems. He asked if it was not time to start work on a backup scheme...
Между тем, еще два двигателя были потеряны в тестах. Д. Брейнерд Холмс инициировал специальный брифинг по проблеме, который он провел 31 января 1963 года. В конце презентации Холмс отметил, что цель по достижению победы над русскими в лунной гонке, по-видимому, погрязла в проблемах F-1. Он спросил, не пришло ли время начать работу над резервной схемой..." /THE INJECTOR AND COMBUSTION INSTABILITY/
Most transmissions consisted of 600 line pictures, which were telemetered by a directional antenna. The frames were scanned each 3.6 seconds. Each frame required nominally one second to be read from the vidicon and utilized a 220 kHz bandwidth for transmission.