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The return beam vidicon combines .th6 elements of both the vidicon and image orthicon. As shown in figure 3.6-1, this sensor uses the photoconductive surface of the vidicon and the return beam principle of the image orthicon. It is configured in order to obtain the best possible resolution of the two sensor elements. The photoconductive surface of antimony sulfide-oxysulfide (ASOS) has been employed in visual sensors 'becauseof its high Sensitivity and its ability to perform over a broad range of spacecraft environmental conditions. The multiplier and electron gun, both im&ge orthicon elements, provide a high gain low noise amplifier. When coupled to the vidicon surface (ASOS), it produces a sensor with wide dynamic range (40 dB) and excellent resolving power (5000 elements) for the 2.5 inch RBV. (See reference 3.6-1 for more details) The return beam vidicon (RBV) syatei for Landsat-C will provide panchromatic earth images with nominally a factor of two improvement in ground resolution compared to the Landsat-1 and Landsat-2 muiltispectral RBV systems. Table 3.6-1 gives the parameters for the Landsat-C RBV system. The ground resolution of the Landsat-l and 2 RBV systems is nominally 80 meters. The increase in ground resolution to 40 meters is achieved by doubling the focal length of the lens system, halving the exposure time to reduce the effect of ground smearing, and removing the spectral filters (see plots in figure
> https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19770019646.pdf