Дем> Агитация штука хорошая, но ситуация когда у тебя над головой постоянно висит граната которая пусть и всего с 10% вероятностью тебя убьёт - сама по себе демотивирует.
Вычислить дрон - не такая большая проблема.
Собственно я об этом уже говорил
Есть готовые дорогие изделия типа такого
Станция радиотехнического обнаружения и пеленгования средств связи и управления БПЛА
// www.kogr.org
Но можно сделать из деталек с али.
Вот пример
With the decrease in the cost and size of drones in recent years, their number has also increased exponentially. As such, the concerns regarding security aspects that are raised by their presence are also becoming more serious. The necessity of designing and implementing systems that are able to detect and provide defense actions against such threats has become apparent. In this paper, we perform a survey regarding the different drone detection and defense systems that were proposed in the literature, based on different types of methods (i.e., radio frequency (RF), acoustical, optical, radar, etc.), with an emphasis on RF-based systems implemented using software-defined radio (SDR) platforms. We have followed the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines in order to provide a concise and thorough presentation of the current status of the subject. In the final part, we also describe our own solution that was designed and implemented in the framework of the DronEnd research project. The DronEnd system is based on RF methods and uses SDR platforms as the main hardware elements.
// www.mdpi.com
Это на калибровочной стадии
Once the frequency that is used by the drone to communicate has been identified, a second necessary step is to obtain information about the position of the drone. This step was performed using AoA algorithms for detecting the angle of incidence of the detected RF signal. Such algorithms exploit the phase difference of the signals that are received from the drone using a multi-antenna system. The SDR platform that was used as the hardware for providing the RF receive front-end was the USRP X310 on which two Twin-RX RF modules were mounted (covered frequency range of 10–6000 MHz, instantaneous bandwidth 80 MHz). Each of the Twin-RX modules offers two coherent reception channels, and the local oscillator that was used can be shared by the two boards, so that in the end, a total of four coherent reception channels are obtained and are aligned in phase
Испльзуется софтовое радио USRP X310 в количестве двух штук и четыре антенны
На али такое можно найти за полляма
LUOWAVE SDR USRP X310, совместим с ETTUS USRP X310, Наслаждайся ✓Бесплатная доставка по всему миру! ✓Предложение ограничено по времени! ✓Удобный возврат!
// aliexpress.ru
Итого - порядка 1.2 ляма за спокойствие
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