Реклама Google — средство выживания форумов :)
Нет худа без добра - подтвердили живучесть ракеты, обкатали вживую "план Б" .
Кстати, движок второй ступени включался повторно после отделения Дракона для вывода прототипа коммуникационного спутника нового поколения (принадлежит Orbcomm Inc., масса более 160 кг). Спутник выведен, однако пока данные об его состоянии не публиковались.
The OG2 prototype satellite, flying as a secondary payload on this mission, was separated from the Falcon 9 launch vehicle at approximately 9:00 pm EST. However, due to an anomaly on one of the Falcon 9’s first stage engines, the rocket did not comply with a pre-planned International Space Station (ISS) safety gate to allow it to execute the second burn. For this reason, the OG2 prototype satellite was deployed into an orbit that was lower than intended. ORBCOMM and Sierra Nevada Corporation engineers have been in contact with the satellite and are working to determine if and the extent to which the orbit can be raised to an operational orbit using the satellite’s on-board propulsion system.