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messer> Болезнь крупных камер - трудности со сгоранием.
По англицки называется "combustion insability problem".
Другими словами - трясло двигатели из-за проблем с подачей топлива или окислителя ... Очень мало подробностей по этому вопросу.
"Rocketdyne engineers, under team chief Paul Castenholz, hammered at the bugs. Castenholz brought in cots and they worked around the clock. They finally pinned down the pogo problem, implementing a system in which helium was used to buffer pressure surges in the F-1's propellant feed system."
[20.0] From The Earth To The Moon
Paul Castenholz was a co-director of Rocketdyne's Combusion Devices Team. His goal was to make the F-1 continue to function even when the team exploded a bomb in it.