YYKK>> У Вас проблемы в понимании сути. Катапульта может разогнать и чемодан. Он от этого взлетит?MIKLE> именно.
Отлично, скорость чемодана? Катапульта смогёт?
YYKK>> К примеру Federation of American Scientists :: F/A-18 HornetMIKLE> это как бы сказать помягче, вода...
Будет Вам потвёрже, см. ниже...
YYKK>> Да и в РЛЭ есть MIKLE> вот оттуда условия-б взлёта и процитировали...
"F/A-18 catapult launch endspeeds are determined by one of two limiting factors, single engine
minimum control airspeed and sink-off-bow. At gross weights of 45,000 lbs and above, the minimum
launch endspeed ensures that the aircraft will not sink excessively during the catapult flyaway. With
normal endspeed (11 to 20 knots above minimum) and deck conditions, 4 to 6 feet of settle can be
expected. The pilot perceives the catapult shot to be level, as the rotation of the aircraft keeps the
pilot's eye approximately level, even though the aircraft center-of-gravity sinks. With zero excess
endspeed, up to 20 feet of settle can be expected. For heavy weight shots which are planned with 10
knots or less excess endspeed, trim settings are increased 3° to help minimize the settle that will occur.
This higher trim setting comes at the cost of reducing the margin of controllability should an engine
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