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А в книге про луноход говорится прямо: "при уплотнении грунта его связность резко возрастает", "большая крутизна краев колеи колес (до 50 градусов)".
Человек на Луне? Какие доказательства? - 2 [loderunner#15.01.11 20:57]
The aerodynamic heating to the body, fins, and engine fairings was interrupted at approximately 110 seconds by flow separation. The flow separation results from expansion of the F-1 engine plumes and, consequently, hot gases are recirculated up the vehicle side. The gas temperature and heat-transfer coefficient in the separated region are expected to be less than those which would have been experienced if separation had not occurred. The temperature increases during separation were most likely caused by the radiation from the hot recirculated gas. The hot gas radiates energy because of the high emissivity of the carbon particles present in the recirculated flow. The resulting change in the heating rates can be noted in Figure 17-14 through 17-16 between 110 and 135 seconds. The increased heating due to flow separation did not constitute a detrimental heating environment. Flow separation and subsequent hot gas recirculation up the side of the vehicle has been noted in AS-501 and AS-502 flight optical data. Flow separation was observed on the Saturn I and IB flights and was anticipated on the Saturn V.
Flow separation results from the expansion of the F-1 engine plumes at the higher altitude. The plumes create what could be considered a solid wall to the oncoming free stream. At the lower altitudes, the free stream flow can be deflected around the exhaust plume by the external plume shock; but as the plumes increase in size, the free stream flow can no longer turn near the plume surface. Consequently, the flow on the side of the vehicle separates or begins to turn before it reaches the plumes. Figure 17-18 illustrates the flow field which is obtained after separation occurs. Hot gas is fed into the separated region from the base region and plume interface. The base region hot gas results from the engine exhaust flows impinging upon one another and forcing some of the exhaust gases toward the base heat shield.
Separation, once induced, will continue until outboard engine shutdown. As the plume diameter expands with altitude, the point of flow separation moves forward along the vehicle. Flow separation on the AS-501 and AS-502 flights was first observed between 105 and 110 seconds. Measurements have been made of the point of flow separation for various flight times and are shown in Figure 17-18. It is noted in this figure that the separation region extended beyond the top of the S-IC forward skirt just prior to stage separation. The observed blackness on the stage may be a carbon deposit rather than paint being burned.
The flow separation results from expansion of the F-1 engine plumes and, consequently, hot gases are recirculated up the vehicle side.
Flow separation results from the expansion of the F-1 engine plumes at the higher altitude.
At the lower altitudes, the free stream flow can be deflected around the exhaust plume by the external plume shock; but as the plumes increase in size, the free stream flow can no longer turn near the plume surface. Consequently, the flow on the side of the vehicle separates or begins to turn before it reaches the plumes. Hot gas is fed into the separated region from the base region and plume interface. The base region hot gas results from the engine exhaust flows impinging upon one another and forcing some of the exhaust gases towa'rd the base heat shield.
The observed blackness on the stage may be a carbon deposit rather than paint being burned.
и сегодняшняя кровавая бойня в NASA, где были заложники и убитые