Карр (ЦУП): «На что похожа Луна?»
Ловелл: «Серая, цвета нет, напоминает гипс...»
Андерс: «Или сероватый пляжный песок...»
Т+71:34. В TV-сеансе астронавты показали поверхность Луны. Земляне слушали комментарии.
Борман: «Одно огромное одинокое пространство, безжизненное и угрюмое... Одетая серой пылью пустыня...» Ловелл: «Мили и мили пустынной местности. Ее всеобъемлющая безжизненность вселяет в душу благоговейный страх. Невольно думаешь, как хорошо нам живется на Земле. В беспредельных далях космоса наша планета выглядит прекрасным оазисом».
The Return Beam Vidicon (RBV) camera system features a recently developed sensor which is capable of producing images with a resolution of 4500 TV lines. Discussed here are the operation of RCA's 2-in RBV and how its primary assets are compatible with the system requirements of programs such as the Earth Resources Observation Satellite. The RBV combines the advantages of the conventional storage vidicon ASOS photoconductor and the orthicon electron multiplier. The sensor operates in a slow-scan mode and utilizes the modulated return beam as a signal path to decrease the signal noise. The primary assets of this device are an improved lowlight sensitivity, with higher signal-to-noise ratios than can be obtained with a conventional vidicon, coupled with extremely high resolution. The 4500-line video signal generated in the 1-in format is converted into a high-quality hard copy print by the Laser Beam Image Reproducer (LBIR). — The high image retention characteristic of the photoconductor makes possible the slow-scan readout of a high-definition (100-ft ground resolution from satellite altitudes), nonsmeared image in limited bandwidth. Thus, a three-camera electronically shuttered system can be used to simultaneously photograph a given section of the Earth's surface in three different spectral bands. Data produced by the sequential readout of the three cameras, when superimposed, can be used to generate a sharp multispectral image. The high-resolution, low image distortion (geometric integrity, shading, etc.), characteristic of the RBV, results from the integration of the vidicon with a carefully controlled electron optic and deflection system. Distributed focus coils are used to obtain minimum spot size and proper beam landing over the full format. The image quality of the RBV/LBIR's high-resolution, low-noise picture is comparable with ground reproduction of present-day film and data transfer techniques used in unmanned surveillance satellites.
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Published in: Journal of the SMPTE ( Volume: 79 , Issue: 1 , Jan. 1970 )
> A High-Resolution Image Sensor - SMPTE Journals & Magazine
The Video-to-Film Color Image Recorder is a recording system which permits precise. The Color Recorder is capable of recording a 9500 x 9000 matrix of picture elements, whereas the maximum resolution of the RBV Camera Sub- system, for example, is approximately 4,500 TV line
A rotating, multifaceted spinner mounted on a translating carriage is utilized to generate the precision raster. After the three modulated beams have been conbined, the composite beam is expanded and focused by a catadioptric lens system (shown in Figure 3) such that it fills two facets of the spinner that folds the converging bundle and scans it across the recording format. In addition to the pictorial information contained in the video signals, the Recorder also has facilities to record an alphanumeric data field of 512 characters (8 rows of 64 characters) composed of any of 42 characters selected by the data processing system. The recording format is comprised of three fields as shown in Figure 4. The 7.5-inch square Picture Format depicted allows the RBV images, to be presented at approximately a 1 : 1,000,000 scale.
> https://www.asprs.org/wp-content/uploads/.../apr/1973_apr_395-400.pdf