GlockyMan> Не, сначала надо бы результаты исследований, отчеты UoC по лунному грунту хотя бы глянуть...
Результаты исследований это не проблема, примеров куча. Вот например:
Strength and compressibility of lunar soil, Carrier, Bromwell, Martin, 1972, 200g (12001,119)
Preliminary stratigraphy of Apollo 15 drill core, Heiken Duke McKay, Clanton, JSC, Fryxell, WSU, NAgle, Northrup, Scott, CalTech, Sellers, USGS
1972, 15001-15006, 1333.2g
Depth Variation of cosmogenic nuclides in a lunar surface rock and lunar soil
Finkel, Imamura, Reedy, Fruchter, Loosli, Evans, Delany, UCAL, 1971, 295g
Cosmogenic radionuclides in samples from Taurus-Littrow - Effects of the solar flare of August 1972
Okelley, G. D.; Eldridge, J. S.; Northcutt, K. J. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 6kg
Radionuclide concentrations in Apollo 16 lunar samples determined by nondestructive gamma-ray spectrometry
Eldridge, J. S.; O'Kelley, G. D.; Northcutt, K. J. Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1973 4kg
Abundances of Primordial and Cosmogenic Radionuclides in Apollo 14 Rocks and Fines
Eldridge, J. S.; O'Kelley, G. D.; Northcutt, K. J. Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1972 1kg
Abundances of the primordial radionuclides K, Th, and U in Apollo 12 lunar samples by nondestructive gamma-ray spectrometry: Implications for origin of lunar soils
O'Kelley, G. D.; Eldrige, J. S.; Schonfeld, E.; Bell, P. R. Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1971 13kg
Primordial radionuclide abundances, solar proton and cosmic ray effects and ages of Apollo 11 lunar samples by non-destructive gamma-ray spectrometry
O'Kelley, G. D.; Eldridge, J. S.; Schonfeld, E.; Bell, P. R. Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1970 3kg
Quantitative mineralogy of an Apollo 11 lunar sample
French, B. M., Walter, L. S., & Heinrich, K. J. F. GSFC and Institute for Materials Research in W, 1970, 1kg
Composition and structure of metallic iron particles in lunar "fines"
Max Plank inst, Germany, 1970, 80g
Cosmic-ray produced radioisotopes in lunar samples from the Sea of Tranquillity (Apollo 11)
Max Plank inst, Germany, 1970, 200g
Apollo 12 samples: Chemical composition and its relation to sample locations and exposure ages, the two-component origin of the various soil samples and studies on lunar metallic particles
Wänke, H., Wlotzka, F., Baddenhausen, H., Balacescu, A., Spettel, B., Teschke, F., ,
Max Plank inst, Germany, 1971, 40g
Thermal diffusivity, conductivity and thermal inertia of Apollo 11 lunar material
Horai, K., Simmons, G., Kanamori, H., & Wones, D.
MIT, 1970, 1x1x2 cm size
Elastic wave velocities of lunar samples at high pressures and their geophysical implications
Kanamori, H., Nur, A., Chung, D. H., & Simmons, G.
MIT, 1970, 1x1x2 cm samples
Organic analysis of the returned Apollo 11 lunar sample
Abell, P. I., Draffan, C. H., Eglinton, G., Hayes, J. M., Maxwell, J. R., & Pillinger, C. T., ,
Univ. of Bristol, bristol, ENG, 1970, 105g
Track consortium report on rock 14310
Yuhas, D. E., Walker, R. M., Reeves, H., Poupeau, G., Pellas, P., Lorin, J. C., ,
UCAL, GE Research, Tata Inst. India, WU, LabMin France, (5 labs) 1972, ~3439g (verify)
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