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Обзор магазинов М16 (мной надерганы цитаты)
Magazines are one of the most important elements of any firearm design, and here is a close look at the cream of the crop.
The mainstay since the introduction of the AR-15/M16 has been the
aluminum magazine. Originally, the 20-round-capacity—later increased to 30-round capacity—aluminum magazine was intended to be carried pre-loaded and discarded after use. They were even listed in the military supply chain as disposable, but in reality the magazines were used repeatedly. Problems resulted because the lightweight
aluminum was easily damaged from dropping or rough handling ...
Aluminum magazines may be on their way out of the U.S. military. There has been a requirement to replace them with polymer magazines, and Picatinny Arsenal in New Jersey is working ..
Heckler & Koch High-Reliability Magazine
The High-Reliability magazine body is made of
steel rather than
aluminum and is coated with a special maritime finish to keep it from rusting
As early as the 1980s, several attempts had been made to make a reliable magazine out of
polymer. The first successful attempt was by the Canadian firm Diemaco, now called Colt Canada. These magazines were worth mentioning because of the pioneering work on Diemaco’s part in making the first successful polymer magazine for the AR rifle.
Magpul PMAG
Although Magpul is a new company, it has created quite a name for itself with its
polymer magazine