VDG> А как вы думаете, когда начался использоваться РИР (то бишь синий экран) в телевидении. В плёночном кино так и не начинал. [
Некоторые утверждают совершенно противоположное:
Скрыть | 6 декабря, 02:33
Очевидно существует разница между голубым и зелёным экранами для комбинированных сьёмок. А вот интересный отрывок о том когда впервые был использован такой метод......
....The earliest efforts at composite photography generally resorted to animation, as in Georges Melies' "Trip to the Moon" (1902).
Дальше можно прочитать подробно о процессе.....
.....Quite obviously, deriving a matte signal from the fine grain green record of the same film illuminated by an essentially green phosphor CRT tube will produce an electronically very "quiet" matte.
Another, small advantage of matting on the green record is derived from the fact that the optics of the camera are designed mainly around the green portion of the spectrum and, assuming the camera has been properly focussed, the very best focus will occur for the green record, with very deep red objects suffering slightly by comparison.
Further discussion on the relative merits of Blue versus Green may be found in Ultimatte Technical Bulletin No. 2, "Green or Blue--Selecting a Backing Color for an Ultimatte Composite." (Published by the Ultimatte Corporation, manufacturer of Petro Vlahos' inventions previously referred to.) After a discussion of the many complex issues, the bulletin concludes, "There are no simple rules for specifying when to use a blue or green backing. Each situation must be analyzed to see whether a blue or a green backing will yield better results."
Другими словами, цвет фона зависит от "ситуции"