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Important Earth-Penetrator Weapon Parameters
Physical Characteristics
N: nose shape
d: body diameter, m
L: total penetrator length, m
m: total penetrator weight, kg
A: cross-sectional area, m2
m/A: cross-sectional density, kg/m2
Impact Conditions
V: impact velocity, m/s
θ: impact angle between velocity vector (trajectory angle) and target surface
α: angle of attack, angle between velocity vector (trajectory angle) and earth-penetration axis
At 30,000 pounds and 20 feet long, the mass of the bomb makes it three and a half times more powerful than the most powerful weapon in the Air Force’s inventory. The bomb carries 6,000 pounds of high explosives….
The MOP’s job is to destroy deeply buried and what the military calls “hardened” targets, or those specifically reinforced to survive strikes with high explosives.
The bomb is capable of burrowing 60 meters through 5,000 pounds per square inch (psi) of reinforced concrete, or 8 meters through 10,000 psi reinforced concrete….
The budget request is part of an amendment to the fiscal 2008 defense budget supplemental request that the White House submitted Monday to Congress.
The money is in two parts: $83.5 million for continuing the development of the MOP weapon itself, including a “technology demonstration” sponsored by DTRA that would conclude at some point in fiscal 2008; and another $4.2 million to modify the B-52 bomber as a launching platform, Air Force spokeswoman Vicki Stein told Stars and Stripes on Wednesday.
According to the Pentagon, the MOP is an “urgently needed, critical global strike capability to fight the war on terrorism.”
Air Force leaders say the system is not being developed specifically for a pre-emptive strike against Iran.
“It’s not specifically geared at an individual country,” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley told reporters Sept. 24. “It’s a capability discussion.”