Iva> это вы, видимо, не очень хорошо знакомы с российской экономикой
Iva> 2-3 АУГ РФ не потянет, даже если занулит все другие войска, сухопутные и РВСН, ВВС и далее по списку. Iva> Так как одна АУГ - это помимо авианосца 20-30 кораблей класса эсминец-фрегат -
Давайте мы с вами данный разговор окончим--потому что я с людьми, которые не знают базовых фактов предпочитаю не общаться. Очевидно, что вас ничему на военной кафедре не обучали. С экономикой я знаком неплохо, в том числе российской.
Typical CSG composition
A U.S. Navy carrier strike group typically includes:
A supercarrier, which is the centerpiece of the strike group and also serves as the flagship for the CSG Commander and respective staff. The carrier is commanded by an aviation community captain.
A carrier air wing (CVW) typically consisting of up to nine squadrons. Carrier air wings are commanded by an aviation community captain (or occasionally a Marine colonel).
One or two Aegis guided missile cruisers (CG) of the Ticonderoga class—a multi-mission surface combatant, equipped with BGM-109 Tomahawk missiles for long-range strike capability, each commanded by a surface community captain.
A destroyer squadron (DESRON) commanded by a surface community captain (O-6) who commands the escort destroyers, with
two to three guided missile destroyers (DDG), of the Arleigh Burke class—a multi-mission surface combatant, used primarily for anti-aircraft (AAW) and anti-submarine (ASW) warfare, but which also carries Tomahawk missiles for long-range strike capability. A destroyer is commanded by a surface community commander.
Up to two attack submarines, used to screen the strike group against hostile surface ships and submarines, but which also carry Tomahawk missiles for long-range strike capability.
A combined ammunition, oiler and supply ship (AOE/AOR), usually Supply-class (T-AOE); provides logistic support.[7]
Это ВМС США, которые на этом съели собаку. Т.е. одна АУГ--это (помимо АВ) 1-2 Тики + 2-3 Бёрка = макс 5 боевых надводников + до 2-ух АПЛ.