И, как вишенка по теме, сегодня обнародовали причины нештатного пуска Ариан-5. Я рыдаю:
Investigations by the Independent Enquiry Commission showed that the trajectory anomaly resulted from an incorrect value in specifications for the implementation of the launcher’s two inertial reference systems.
Given the special requirements of this mission, the azimuth required for the alignment of the inertial units was 70 degrees instead of 90 degrees, as is most often the case for missions to geostationary transfer orbit. This gap led to the 20-degree shift to the south in the launcher trajectory from the initial seconds of flight.
The cause of the trajectory deviation, therefore, was due to a bad specification of one of the launcher mission parameters that was not detected during the standard quality checks carried out during the Ariane 5 launches’ preparation chain.
Интересно, в российской прессе кто-нибудь заметил?
This sounds very familiar. Didn’t the Russians screw up recently in almost the same fashion?
And, given that the Euros can’t even blame the problem on launching from a new site, there’s even less excuse.
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