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The meeting was held to strengthen the military alliance and to discuss the naval wargames in the eastern Mediterranean involving the Israeli, Turkish and US fleets early next year. The two also discussed the £400 million contract to upgrade Turkey’s F-4 jets and update F-5s, and the production in Turkey of Israel’s battle tanks, Merkava. Turkey will also buy 200 state-of-the-art Popeye air-to-surface missiles. Turkey has also signed economic, technical and cultural agreements with Israel. The military agreement, which was signed in 1996, also includes sharing of intelligence.
The meeting was held to strengthen the military alliance and to discuss the naval wargames in the eastern Mediterranean involving the Israeli, Turkish and US fleets early next year. The two also discussed the £400 million contract to upgrade Turkey’s F-4 jets and update F-5s, and the production in Turkey of Israel’s battle tanks, Merkava. Turkey will also buy 200 state-of-the-art Popeye air-to-surface missiles. Turkey has also signed economic, technical and cultural agreements with Israel. The military agreement, which was signed in 1996, also includes sharing of intelligence.
а теперь заткнись, щенок брехливый.
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беги-беги, собаченка побитая.
Увы, или к счастью, подготовленные люди на абрамсы не нападают.Это только на первый взгляд так плохо. Статистика поражений и уничтожений Абрамсов в Ираке говорит о том, что не всё так фатально, как Вам кажется.