M.A.> Я немного сомневаюсь, что дальность захвата дана для не модного нынче полуактива
А если для актива - то обнаружение=захвату.M.A.> П.С. Надо понимать - "цель типа истребитель" - это дура с ЭПР Су-27, а не Раптор'а
- У Су-27 ЭПР в общем случае - 15 м
2. "Барс", однако всё модифицируют и модифицируют:
N011M Bars / RLSU-30MK
N011M antenna installed on Su-30MK
N011M Bars is an upgraded phased array antenna version of the N011.
Under development since the early 1990s, two prototype N011M radars were produced of which one was flight tested in SU-27M prototype "712".
It is a multi-mode dual frequency (X- and L-band channels, NATO I and D band) radar.
Initial design maximum search range for a fighter target was 140-160km. The radar can track 15-20 air targets and engage 4 in the initial version (6-8 in developed versions). It equips the Indian Su-30MKI. Able to interleave air to air and air to ground modes. Withstands up to 5 percent transceiver loss without significant degredation in performance. In an air-to-ground mode, it can acquire surface targets at ranges of up to 200 km and provide ground-mapping, terrain-following, and terrain-avoidance functions. Small ground targets, like tanks, could be detected out to 40-50 km. The radar can also detect naval targets; destroyer-size ships are detected at a range of 120-150 km.
AA Modes:
Velocity Search
Range While Search
Track While Scan
Target ID
several close combat modes
AS Modes:
Real beam mapping
DBS mapping
SAR mapping
moving ground target selection
moving ground target tracking (2 target capability)
Measuring of ground target coordinates.
Anti shipping modes: Sea surface search, moving sea targets selection, tracking and measuring of sea target coordinates, sea target ID. Engages 2 targets at once.
Antenna diameter is 1m, antenna gain 36dB, the main sidelobe level is -25dB, average sidelobe level is -48dB, beamwidth is 2.4 deg with 12 distinct beam shapes. The antenna weighs 100-110kg. It is both mechanically and electronically scanned to give increased field of view over a fixed phased array antenna and also to allow the radar to be tilted edge-on when not in use, decreasing RCS. Two variants have been designed, one mechanically scanned in azimuth only (±90deg) and electronically scanned in elevation (±60deg) and the second mechanically scanned in both azimuth and elevation (±90deg in both axes). It is thought that the version fitted to the Su-30MKI is the first variant the first.
A Bars' test radar, fitted with a 5kW transmitter, proved to be capable of acquiring Su-27 fighters at a range of over 330 km, tracking several targets while volume scanning, and correctly identifying aerial targets.
The final version of the N011M uses the 'Chelnok' travelling wave tube boasting an average power output of 5 to 7 kW and a high duty cycle.
Range is now claimed to be 250-300km against a head-on fighter target (possibly in Velocity Search mode) and 65km against a tailchase fighter target.
It is also claimed that NCTR techniques based on identifying engine type from compressor face returns are used, apparently allowing 5 targets to be identified in 1 second while the radar continues to volume scan and track other targets.
The contract for the N011M radar has three stages. The third stage (MK3) will incorporate Indian Vetrivale computers based in the i960 architecture. The current radars, delivered from June 2002 and currently fitted to the MKI, are first stage using Russian computers (including the Ts200 signal processor) with restricted processing capabilities inherited from the N011 radar. NIIP were still testing 2nd stage (MK2) and 3rd stage (MK3) revisions in October 2002. It is likely that the full capabilities of the radar claimed above will only be met with the 3rd stage radar.