Димa.> (не говоря уже о сайтах NASA и фирмы Цейс) мне эти сведения обнаружить не удалось.
Надо было поискать еще на сайте Корела и Адоба
Дубинушка, Хассельблады делал Хассельблад
Hasselblad.comДимa.> Подскажите, как именно Вам это стало известно.
Из Гугля, вестимо.
Но куда уж тут настоящим исследУвателям...
Вот, блин, отдельная страница там на сайте есть:
Hasselblad EC (Electric Camera) 500 EL
This camera was taken on the manned voyage which passed close to the moon on 21-27 December 1968. During this voyage 10 revolutions were made around the moon, the purpose being to survey possible future landing sites. The HEC was fitted with a magazine for
70 mm film.
Hasselblad EDC (Electric Data Camera)
This is a specially designed version of the motorized 500EL intended for use on the surface of the moon, where the first lunar pictures were taken on 20 July 1969 by Neil Armstrong. The camera is equipped with a specially designed Biogon lens with a focal length of 60 mm, with a polarization filter mounted on the lens. A glass plate (Reseau-Plate), provided with reference crosses which are recorded on the film during exposure, is in contact with the film, and these crosses can be seen on all the pictures taken on the moon from 1969 to 1972. The 12 HEDC cameras used on the surface of the moon were left there. Only the film magazines were brought back.
Т.е. пленка там была 70-мм, а размер кадра 60х60 (по краям по 5 мм на дырки).
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