
Возможная война Израиль-Иран, осень 2009

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Как говорится, for what it's worth..

CVN 77 G.H.W. Bush Enters Persian Gulf As CIA Veteran Robert Baer Predicts September Israel-Iran War | ZeroHedge

One look at the most recent naval update maps shows that in addition to global insolvency (courtesy of the broke European dominoes and a potentially technically broke US), a UK on the verge of a parliamentary scandal courtesy of a media baron whose empire is crumbling, and not to mention yet another downward inflection point in the global economic slowdown courtesy of the end of QE2 and no replacement yet, market watchers may have to start factoring in geopolitical risk yet again. While the fact that Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia, and now Turkey, are ever more increasingly on edge is apparently something Mr. Market has managed to internalize, when it comes to geopolitics everyone stops to listen when renewed Iran-Israel rumblings reappear. Which may just be the case. As the most recently updated naval map from Stratfor demonstrates, the CVN 77 G.H.W. Bush has just entered the Persian Gulf, the first time a US aircraft carrier has passed through the Straits of Hormuz in months. What is also notable is that the LHD 5 Bataan amphibious warfare ship has just weighed anchor right next to Libya: this is odd since the coast of Tripoli had been left unattended for many weeks by US attack ships. And topping it all off is that a third aircraft carrier, the CVN 73, is sailing west from the South China seas, potentially with a target next to CVN 76 Ronald Reagan which is the second carrier in the Straits of Hormuz area. Three carriers in proximity to Iran would be extremely troubling, yet fit perfectly with the story of CIA veteran Robert Baer, the man played by George Clooney in Syriana, who as Al Jazeera reports, appeared on KPFK Los Angeles, warning that Israeli PM Netanyahu is "likely to ignite a war with Iran in the very near future." It gets worse: "Masters asked Baer why the US military is not mobilising to stop this war from happening.

// www.zerohedge.com

"There is almost "near certainty" that Netanyahu is "planning an attack [on Iran] ... and it will probably be in September before the vote on a Palestinian state. And he's also hoping to draw the United States into the conflict", Baer explained.


Кратко: типа слив из пентагона про зелёный свет для удара по Ирану в течении двух недель.
ютуб №1

ютуб №2
AD Реклама Google — средство выживания форумов :)



au> Кратко: типа слив из пентагона про зелёный свет для удара по Ирану в течении двух недель.
au> ютуб №1
au> ютуб №2
au> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NyJagegMpg
Не верю я в возможность удара по Ирану(по крайней мере сейчас). Неизвестно что на остальном Ближнем Востоке будет может где тоже потребуется вмешательство.(в Йемене том же,Саудовской Аравии и т.д.)
Fakir: предупреждение (+1) по категории «Оверквотинг[п.15]»

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